As I was actually posting every day during my October Instagram Challenge last month, I came across my favorite hashtag…..
P.S. I also found out today when I looked that people are still using the #blondetober hashtag which I’m not sure is a compliment or they’re making fun of me? Whatevs, it’s fun to see everyones photos either way lol.
So, it wasn’t until I was posting every day of October (I’ve since backed off a bit, oops) that I realized just how big a mess my life really is by “world” standards. If a hashtag described my life, it’s this one….
And I mean it in the sense that it’s not true at all……
Read it as if it’s dripping with sarcasm…..big, fat drops of sarcasm…..
Let me explain…..
I’ve already written about Adult things I don’t understand and y’all assured me that at 26 I’ve got many, many years of not understanding ahead….. #coolbeans
I also asked a few questions to make sure I wasn’t doing this whole thing wrong. Some said I wasn’t…others said I was… #OhWell
And can we talk about the fact that I like to use hashtags in daily conversation? I should reiterate that I’m 26, not 16…. #sorrynotsorry
Seriously, if it makes me laugh, I’m going to say it even in the middle of a staff meeting….. Well that one may have been one of those “time and place” kinda situations…..but it didn’t stop me….
So back to my favorite Hashtag.
It applies to most situations in my life.
>> Like when I wore visible Hello Kitty tattoos to work for weeks on end….
>> Or that time that some Parents decided that I was old enough to teach their kids soccer…Did I mention that I’ve never played soccer before??
>> Or when I literally took 20 photos of the title photo in a store….
>> Have I mentioned my constant travel companion is a teddy bear? #noshame
>> How about on the weekends instead of showering I just toss a bandanna on my head?
Now, I do have a brand new adult job that requires office supplies and my own office with a lock and everything. I consider myself a pretty big deal now, but I always do that’s nothing new. But despite being the youngest one at the company (that’s FT anyway, we do have PT high schoolers that serve in the dining room) it’s my duty to step up my adulting game.
So that means….
….no more flower crowns ….at work anyway.
….no more PJ’s in the afternoons….except on casual Monday’s (I don’t work on Mondays, duh)
….time to put away the dragon eggs….
….THIS face is not accetable for my work photo….
….my motto can no longer highlight fairy tale creatures…..
Ya get me?
I’m an adult now!
At least I’m trying……
I really am, I even told JB the other day that it’s finally time for us to grow up….kinda…mostly….a bit…..
So we’re gonna be real adults now and maybe actually kinda abit live an adult life…..
Here’s to trying anyway lol
What’s your favorite hashtag?
Will you join the #adultingsohard revolution with me?
Seriously, let’s all overtake the #adultingsohard feed!
Let’s Connect!
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